Guidelines for Unsolicited Submissions to Vitall Markets
Vitall Markets welcomes contributions from qualified authors worldwide, representing diverse academic and professional backgrounds. As a platform dedicated to providing original commentaries that analyze, rather than simply report on, global events and trends, we encourage prospective contributors to align their submissions with our mission, adding depth and context to our coverage.
Submission Guidelines:
- Relevance: Familiarize yourself with Vitall Markets’s content to ensure your submission addresses a pertinent topic. We aim to offer insightful analyses, and contributors should demonstrate expertise in the subject matter.
- Language: Submissions must be in English and accompanied by a brief note providing a concise description of the commentary and the author’s qualifications.
- Exclusivity: Submissions must be exclusive to Vitall Markets. Content published elsewhere in any form or language, whether in print or online, will not be considered.
- Submission Process: Authors or their staff should directly make submissions. Public-relations representatives are requested to advise their clients accordingly.
- Length: The ideal length for a Vitall Markets commentary is 500-600 words. Submissions should not be shorter than 800 words or exceed 900 words.
- Audience: Vitall Markets commentaries target a knowledgeable non-specialist audience. While footnotes or endnotes are not permitted, inclusion of links to cited data, quotes, speeches, reports, or academic research is encouraged.
- Purpose: Submissions should present intellectual arguments or policy proposals that inform readers and contribute to broadening public debate. Articles not fulfilling this purpose or undermining it will not be considered for publication.
- Visuals: Accompanying images, graphs, or figures should be at least 540 pixels wide and submitted in JPEG or PNG format. While we prefer to create graphs in-house, inclusion of raw data sets is recommended. We reserve the right not to use submitted materials.
- Online-Only Publications: Some submissions may be accepted for online-only use, appearing on Vitall Markets’s website without syndication to member publications.
Acceptance and Communication:
Authors of accepted submissions are promptly notified. Questions regarding accepted submissions should be directed to the relevant Vitall Markets editor. Authors are kindly requested not to contact Vitall Markets’s office regarding the status of an accepted submission.
Editorial Discretion:
Unsolicited submissions are accepted or declined solely at the discretion of the editors. Due to the volume of submissions, we may not respond to each one individually. Prospective contributors not receiving a reply within five days are welcome to submit their manuscript elsewhere.
Submission Process:
To submit an unsolicited commentary to Vitall Markets, please email [email protected].
We appreciate your interest and look forward to engaging with insightful contributions that align with our mission and elevate the quality of public discourse on global issues.